Set Accessories L1A1

Set Accessories L1A1


Each ACA holds:

4 x Fluorescein Box N4
4 x Message Carrier N4
These can be housed as seen below. The Fluorescein Box holds dye. As the Candle Smoke White surfaces, the dye is released and will cover an area circa
1 square kilometre.

The ACA is designed to IP67, to retain the contents as fit for service for up to 5 years.


The Set Accessories can be used for either safety or training purposes.


Dye colour: Fluorescein Yellow
Dye area: ~ 1 square kilometre
Initiation system: water dissolved retainer paper
Message carrier: fully submersible


Fit to Candle Smoke White N6 prior to inserting the store into the submarine signal ejector.

Unique Selling Points

Storage & Transportation

Qty per box: 4
Hazard class: not applicable
NEQ: not applicable
GR Wgt: 3kg
Max / min temperatures: -36°C to +71°C